Drinking Away Anxiety With A Cup Of Tea

According to NIH or the National Institute of Health, approximately 264 million people around the world have an anxiety disorder. Research also suggests that women are more likely to experience anxiety (23.4%) than men (14.3 %). 

May it be stress due to the workplace, financial problems, personal issues, or hormonal imbalances (which is most common for teenage and middle-aged women), this condition can take a toll on our mental and physical health. 

Every day is a new battle to face, and what better way to start your day than with a cup of relaxing herbal tea. Herbs serve as a natural remedy and are much more affordable too! Here are the top 9 herbs that may interest you: 


Ashwagandha or Withania somnifera belongs to a kind of herb we call ‘Adaptogens’. Adaptogens, from the root word “adapt”, adjust our hormones and regulate our stress response. Ashwagandha is very popular amongst Ayurvedic practitioners. An 8-week study even showed that consumption of 600mg of Ashwagandha resulted in the reduction of the cortisol hormone and better sleep. This is sure to give you quality beauty rest! 


Chamomile is a type of flowering herb that is commonly used in herbal teas, extracts, and skin creams. It is not only good for anxiety, but it also has anti-inflammatory properties that can help with a sore throat and alleviate skin irritations. However, do consume chamomile with caution as it may interact with certain drugs and can cause allergic reactions in some people.


Valerian or Valeriana officinalis is a root medicine native to Europe and Asia. It is commonly taken as a tea but can be seen in tablet form or liquid tincture. It is known to help with sleep problems, anxiety, and depression. Do note that the combination of Valerian, which is sleep-inducing on its own, with alcohol or sedatives is not advised. 


Lavender is a flowering plant under the mint family. It is very popular in calming the nerves and alleviating anxiety. It can be enjoyed in various ways, such as tea and essential oils for aromatherapy or massage therapy and mixed with warm baths. It is also commonly added as an ingredient to your typical room spray, soap, lotion, and shampoo. 

Lavender Essential Oils are found to have a chemical component called terpene, which is found to produce calming effects in our brain’s chemical receptors. The mere scent of Lavender soothes the mind. 

Galphimia Glauca

Galphimia Glauca is also known as the Goldshower due to its bright yellow flowers. The plant is native to Central America and is generally used as a homeopathic treatment for asthma, allergies, and the alleviation of anxiety. 



Passionflower or Passiflora incarnata is a type of climbing vine that has purple or blue flowers. It is native to the Americas and commonly used for insomnia, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), pain, and anxiety. It can be taken in tea form or mixed with food and beverages such as soda and cake.


Cannabidiol or CBD is an active ingredient found in cannabis plants and is probably the most controversial alternative medicine on this list. It is still illegal in some states in the US and most countries. Cannabidiol is popular for its calming effects. It is used as a therapy for sleep disorders and even as pain medication. It can be taken in tablet, liquid extract, vape liquid, topical cream, or the famous “edible” form. 

People have been using herbs and homeotherapy for thousands of years in treating many illnesses and ailments. However helpful these herbs and plants are, especially if you are currently taking any medication, it is best to seek your doctor’s advice before using these alternative herbs. In general, it is a good thing to know that the road to wellness can just be a cup of tea away.